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“No, I’ll be all right. I know you’re looking forward to lobster and I’m hungry despite the sporadic pain. I’ll be fine.”
She looked skeptical, but I managed a convincing reassuring smile. At least I thought so until she put the back of her hand on my forehead and grabbed my wrist to check my pulse. I contemplated asking her to palpate my abdomen while she was at it, but I was too vulnerable and knew it’d be too obvious what I really had in mind.
Luckily, her loaner pants sufficed with the help of a belt and shortening of the length. Leslie sewed a quick hem with perfect even stitches. I marveled at her talented hands and had no doubt she’d make a wonderful surgeon, among other things. I broke out into another sweat and prayed I wasn’t getting sick on top of everything else that had gone wrong.
By the time we hit Pelham Parkway eastbound right before the City Island Bridge, I started feeling a bit better. She pointed out Seashore and then continued on City Island Avenue until we came to Lobster Box. The architecture blended in with the old-fashioned maritime town. The sun had long since gone down, but the lights flickered on what resembled shimmering glass behind the one-story white building. I bet the view on the water at sunset was breathtaking too.
Over Pinot Grigio and two-pound lobsters, whatever intestinal distress I had suffered earlier was history.
“You’re getting lobster juice on your glasses,” she commented. Our eyes met and held. I thought she looked a bit spotty.
“Oh, I am, aren’t I? But this is so good. Are you going to finish your potatoes?” I looked at her plate. I couldn’t see all that delicious food going to waste and was completely at ease in her company.
“No, here. And you may as well pick the rest of meat out of the claws since you’re a pro.” She handed over the lobster shell and I got to work, licking my fingers and pushing my glasses back up with my knuckle.
“I love watching you eat.” She wiped some butter off my chin with her napkin.
“Eating is one of my favorite activities.”
“What are some of your other favorites?” Her green eyes darkened and when she placed her hand on my knee, I had no doubt of her intentions. I wanted to go there too.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I was suddenly too full of food and yet ravenous for her touch – everywhere.
“Why don’t we get the check,” she said. “Unless you want dessert.”
“Oh, I’d love dessert, but not here.” I had an overwhelming desire to sit on her lap, but I controlled myself.
The trip back to her place was a blur, but stumbling on the way to her bedroom in the empty apartment was a treasured moment etched forever in my mind.
“Where is everybody?” I managed between our heated wet kisses.
We’d dropped our jackets on the couch and she began pulling at my sweater. She lifted it over my head and then let it drop, not wasting a moment to envelope my bra-clad breasts in both her hands. She gently squeezed. I sucked in my breath. Each contraction low in my belly ebbed as if touched by magic. Every good feeling culminated in my crotch as her caresses became as needy as I was. Moisture pooled in my panties quicker than the cotton could absorb my heat. I swelled with a deep desire that required immediate attention or I’d end up in I.C.U.
“You’re so full,” she said, and unhooked my bra.
“Pre-menstrual,” I murmured, thankful for the sheer relief of releasing my swollen breasts. Not to mention my current state of arousal and how it was Leslie against PMS and so far, Leslie was in the lead. “I’m horny as hell.”
“Umm. Horny. You’ll need a cure for that.”
“Know any good doctors?”
“Indeed I do, but she’s very expensive. You need a doctor and I need a dietitian. How about we pay it out in trade?”
“Perfect. You can start by raising your metabolism by increasing your energy expenditure and fucking me senseless.”
“She curses! What would her mother say?”
“Did you really need to mention my mother?”
“Sorry.” She kissed away my pout. Mom would not approve of this on so many levels. Here I was going to have sex on the third date with a woman, who hadn’t even proposed let alone professed her love, and I was going straight to hell or worse, I’d end up a spinster like my old Aunt Hilde. God forbid! Poo, poo! I could see my Mom spitting to ward off evil spirits.
Just when I thought the moment was lost, Leslie lifted me off my feet and gently deposited my tush on the bed. She had my belt off pronto and with the ease of a strip tease artist, she had my, well, really her pants off like now you see them, now you don’t. I laughed at her intense concentration and effort in getting me naked. I had only one thought and that was for her to hurry and remove my panties. She did and I died and went to heaven right then and there.
“You’re so gorgeous. So wet. So…”
“So, stop stalling and get undressed already.”
“Bossy, aren’t we? You’re full of surprises.” She chuckled and took off her blouse and bra. Her pert breasts overwhelmed my senses. My body responded. My nipples tightened. My clit swelled to gigantic proportion. Liquid arousal ran down the inside of my thigh and dripped on the sheet. At last, she removed her pants and her moist tuft of hair was more than I could bear. I had to touch her there, I had no choice.
I drank in every nuance of the moment. I memorized the look of lust in her eyes and enjoyed the taste of chocolate mints, compliments of Lobster Box, on her tongue. I was lost in her breasts and her spicy scent intoxicated me. The fragrance of her ignited every pleasure organ in my body. We gyrated in a syncopated rhythm, with arms, legs, hands, everywhere, until I was about to burst.
“Wait, Laur, don’t come yet.”
“I can’t help it.” I shuddered. My clit grew more urgent and her touch more divine. “Oh…Lez, it’s happennn…ning.” Wondrous waves of pleasure shot through my belly and culminated in the tightening then releasing of my pussy in what was the most earth shaking climax ever. Tears leaked from my eyes and Leslie whisked them away with her tongue.
“You’re lovely when you come.”
“You can take all the credit for that.” I rose up on my elbows and bestowed a grateful kiss before I sat up. I then guided her onto her back. “Now it’s your turn.” I dove in vowing to outdo what she’d just done to me. My nipples grazed her cheek as my pussy coated her abdomen and I settled in for the grand prize.
“One ripe, juicy, Grade A, calorie-free, fragrant and delicious pussy coming right up,” she boasted.
“Funny girl.” I touched the tip of her stiff clit and her hips shot up to meet my hand.
With eager lips, I kissed my way down her trembling body and took her nipple between my teeth, teasing it to a fine point with my tongue. The only sights and sounds that existed at that moment were her. I was absorbed in worshipping my goddess and leaving her wanting for nothing. Before I knew what hit me, she jumped clipping me right in the nose.
“Shush. Do you hear something?” she whispered.
I hated the interruption, but I raised my head and listened. “I only hear the sweet sound of your heart.” She seemed satisfied with that and I resumed toying with her breast.
There was a sudden loud crash. Startled, I accidentally clamped down on the nipple in my mouth.
I gasped and released her. We leaped out of bed.
“Oh, God! Someone’s home. Quick, put on some clothes. Shit.” She handed me my crumbled wardrobe. My hands shook, but I managed. She practically jumped into her pants and threw on her shirt. There was no time for undergarments or shoes.
“Fix your hair.” She tousled my tresses. “How’s mine?”
“Fine.” I smiled at her bedhead and buttoned her shirt as she finished running her fingers through my messy medium length hair. We were barely presentable, but she smoothed the wrinkles from her pants and opened the door.
“Dad? I t
hought you were at Edna’s.”
“I came down for something.” A deep crimson accentuated his jowls and sparse white hair when he glanced in my direction. Leslie turned towards me and indicated my sweater. I glanced down. It was stuck in my fly. Her father cleared his throat and looked around nervously for an escape.
“Daddy, this is Laurie, Laurie, Dad.”
“Hi, nice to meet you,” I said, mortified beyond repair. This was not how I planned to meet her father.
“Same here.” After a brief and awkward silence he did an about face. Whatever he’d wanted was long forgotten. We heard the click, swish, and slam, signaling the door closing behind him and collapsed on the bed in a fit of giggles.
“Oh, God. Just kill me now. Please. Your father is going to think you’re dating the biggest slut.”
“He loves sluts.” Her smile was priceless.
“Thanks, that helps a lot.” Okay, so I didn’t do a very convincing smirk.
“Besides, it doesn’t matter what he thinks because I’m in love with you.”
I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn’t form the words. She said, “I’m in love with you,” and if I died right then, it’d be enough to sustain me for all eternity.
“Did you just say what I think I heard you say?”
“I did and I do.”
“I do too,” was all I could manage and it’s a wonder I didn’t have to be scraped off the ceiling.
It didn’t take much coaxing to pick up where we left off. I buried my face in her pussy and listened to what her slick folds and hard clit told me to do. I must have done it right because all was still. I didn’t stop. And then she came all over me, thrashing about and crying incoherently. I eased up and rode it out until she shivered and looked up at me.
“Double or nothing?” I offered.
“Oh God, no, you’ll kill me.” She gathered my head in her hands and kissed me all over. “Guess what this means.” She smothered me in more kisses.
“I love you too, Leslie. I really, truly do.”
Even with a broken zipper, getting caught in the throes of passion by a parent, and my period arriving early, I knew that Leslie was my beshert. I couldn’t wait to tell Edna that she’d done a mitzvah – a good deed.
The worries I had the next day that Leslie would think me cheap for putting out on the third date were put to rest when said that she would pay anything for the cow, symbolically speaking of course, and that she loved my milk.
By August 1981, on the boardwalk of Jones Beach, Leslie said, “So, you want to start looking at houses?”
I was speechless. I wanted that more than anything in the world.
She stopped walking and turned to face me. “I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She reached into her pocket and handed me a small velvet sack. My hands shook as I opened the drawstring to reveal a gold band with four diamond chips.
“I hope it fits.”
She carefully slid it onto my finger and it fit perfectly, just like her arms around me. We kissed.
We stopped at a liquor store on the way home for a bottle of champagne. I’d need it to break the news to my parents. My heart pounded as we walked up the lawn and went straight into the kitchen. I poured four glasses of champagne, drank two for courage, and refilled the empty glass before heading to the den. My parents were watching TV as usual. Leslie helped me carry down the glasses.
“Mom. Dad. Leslie and I have great news. We’re going to move in together.” I then showed them my ring, and beaming, I announced, “We love each other.” I put my arm around her waist and she pulled me close by my shoulder. That may not have been the safest way to come out, but I was deliriously happy. I wanted to add, “And Ma, she bought the cow,” but I didn’t dare press my luck.
My father stood up first and came over to me. I thought if ever I was going to have a heart attack, it was going to be at that moment, but instead he hugged Leslie and me. “Welcome to the family,” he said, and that was the signal for my mom to join in the group hug.
“I was wondering how long it was going to take for you two to figure out what we knew all along.”
“You knew?” I said, incredulously. “And you didn’t tell me?” My heart burst with love and pride for my girlfriend and my parents for loving her too.
August 2007 marked the twenty-fifth year since our commitment ceremony and we’re more in love than ever six years after that and counting.
The End.
About the Author
Cheri Crystal is a healthcare professional by day who writes erotic romances by night. She was born and raised in New York and lives in the United Kingdom with her wife. Cheri began writing fiction in 2003 after reviewing for Lambda Book Report, Just About Write, Independent Gay Writer and other e-zines. She is the author of “Attractions of the Heart,” a 2010 Golden Crown Literary Winner for lesbian erotica. In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, hiking, viewing wildlife, cooking, jigsaw puzzles and spending quality time with family and friends. Visit www.chericrystal.com and friend her on Facebook for the latest news.
Other Stories by Cheri Crystal
Award winning author of
Attractions of the Heart
Road Rage
Top Bird
Innocent Kiss
Exercise Dyke
The Ties That Bind
Does The Butch Come With The Recipe?
Campus Craze
Playing With The Band
Going Fishing
Consult My Pussy
Climbing Rocks
Mirror Image
Better Than Vibrators
Help Wanted: Clitoris Missing In Action
Taking Chances
Risky Pursuit
Better Late Than Never
Broken Vows
Best Friends Don’t Fuck
New ‘Nude’ Neighbors
Wet and Wild
Lobster Box
Slaying Dragons
To learn more about Cheri, visit her at:
And friend her on Facebook for the latest news.